Saturday, 10 July 2010

The madness of king Ollie (or not)

I get asked the question why I am recommending to people to invest in the US; well there are two main reasons for this:
1. The state of the UK property market
2. The state of the US property market

Let me explain further so you can see there is a method to my madness.

The UK Property Market
The UK property market, previously always thought of as quite reliable, is actually not reliable any more. Property investing in the UK has become an over-saturated breeding ground for would-be investors looking to build a ‘nest-egg’ or simply buy a couple of properties to get a bit more income each month. This is, and always will be a great thing to do – after all, passive income is the key to becoming financially free.

When I started investing in property some 5 years ago, it was nearing the end of a cycle. The good times were now just ‘OK’ but I could still make a respectable living doing it, and since the hours I kept were less than two days work a week it was a great lifestyle.

Over the last 2 years or so, we’ve all watched as the property market has weakened, prices have fallen, mortgage companies are squeezing and although interest rates are low finance is still generally very difficult to get. In a nutshell the whole market has lost its confidence. I have personally witnessed investors like myself dropping like flies.

The US Property Market
There’s been a media circus surrounding the state of the US economy of late, but the undeniable truth is that there is a lot of sorting out to do. The Obama administration has its work cut out to fix the economy, put Americans back to work, reduce the number of foreclosures and put money in pockets.

The US property market got my attention as there’s been a lot of commotion around foreclosed properties. If you’re unsure what that means, basically we’re talking about repossessed homes.

It seems that home owners no longer feel the stigma associated with losing their home or bankruptcy and walking away from your debt is the easy thing to do. Bad for the lenders, great for investors!

My Conclusion

I’ve been in the thick of property investing for a good while now with a decent amount of success. Investing in the USA offers some of the best opportunities around; where else in the western world can you buy a refurbished property, tenanted and managed with a net yield in excess of 13% for £25grand! And that can only mean one thing, property prices WILL rise.

The UK market has got some ‘correcting’ to do, and I’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on it. But for now I’ll be converting my pounds to dollars.

For more information and advice, you can call or email me,
t: +44 (0)845 438 0634
m: +44 (0)7807 520 502

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